Thursday, May 6, 2010

Torn Green Velvet Eyes

This entry centred around music was spurred by the fact that I was in such a slump today, I basically sat and listened to music for a good portion of my afternoon. I thought it would be appropriate to write this entire entry in green because of the title, "Torn Green Velvet Eyes," and my inclusion of a very green photograph I took just the other day. For those of you who do not know what that is... It is a fantastic song by The Magnetic Fields. This is definitely one of my favourite music groups right now, and I suggest you all buy their albums.

When it comes to music, longevity is key. Some music fits your current mood or feelings, which is good. But longevious (my new word meaning, something with longevity) music is also important, something you want to listen at any time of the day, with any feelings whatsoever. But you also need new music in your library since new music keeps things fresh and up to date. This doesn't necessarily mean that you have to get 'modern' music. Frankly, I'm quite fed up with this modern music, it bothers me on so many levels it's not even fun to talk about. One of the most bothersomely annoying aspects of dumb modern are the lyrics for instance, "Brushing your teeth with a bottle of Jack," by Ke$ha as documented here by KevJumba of YouTube.
Overall I am simply saying 3 simple things:
  1. Have music that fits all types of mood, sometimes we're up and sometimes we're down and we all deserve music that reflects that.
  2. Have music that will be around for a long time. Longevious Music. Don't blindly follow trends and always buy the 'hip' music, because more often than not, it is just a fad and will be gone before you can say, "Just Dance, gunna be okay, da da doo-doo-mmm"
  3. And finally, keep finding new music that keeps you engaged. This music can be from any era, any genre, and from any country. This will keep your music library fresh, and ever expanding. In turn, it will also help keep the music industry in business, which is also important.
~Thank you for reading, this has been the Man in Red, typing in green.

P.S. 5 of my top musicians to check out:
  • The Inkspots
  • Andrew Bird
  • The Airborne Toxic Event
  • The Magnetic Fields
  • Christine Fellows


  1. I agree with #s 1 and 3, but not so much 2. Sometimes mainstream music can mean a peek in time, a symbol of age, or just a way to connect with others. I'm a big believer in listening to whatever makes me think "hey, I like this song", be it mainstream music or otherwise. Popular music I associate with special moments shared with others, and other music I see as more reflections of myself. To me, they both have a place in my mind.
    As for "Just Dance", I associate that song with a particular friend who has a love for Lady Gaga. (;

  2. So pretty much I hate you for going Ke$ha bashing as she is my sister. Also the Gag is the besssst evar, since Madonna of course.

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